Improved - Cookies will be removed from HTTP API error notifications, due to potential privacy concerns
Improved - Fallback to PHP mail() if wp_mail() fails to send
Improved - Slack notifications will now strip out any HTML tags from the error message that cannot be converted to markdown
Fixed checkbox settings not saving if no checkboxes were selected
Fixed PHP warning Undefined array key "SERVER_NAME" when both the HTTP_HOST and SERVER_NAME are not set
Fixed infinite loop on HTTP API error notifications if sending notifications resulted in an HTTP API error
1.13.4 - 1/14/2025
Added confirm dialog for muting plugins in Slack notifications
Improved - Slack integration will check if the channel is shared with external organizations and remove sensitive data if so
Improved - Removed unnecessary Slack scopes
Improved - chmod() warnings will now be ignored by default
1.13.3 - 1/8/2025
Added support for basic HTML in Slack notification messages
Added Pause this URL option in Slack notifications for HTTP API errors
Improved - Added link to edit form and entry in Gravity Forms notifications
Improved - Files that generate errors no longer include the full system path in the error message
Improved - Test notifications will always be sent, even if they are rate limited or paused
Fixed missing HTTP API request URL in notifications when the URL was a bad URL and failed wp_http_validate_url()
Fixed "This app is not configured to handle interactive responses" error when clicking the pause button in Slack
Fixed PHP warning "Undefined array key 2" when sending notifications
Fixed duplicate notifications when an HTTP API error was also logged by WP Fusion
Fixed URL in notifications using a relative path and not the full URL to the site
Fixed Slack notifications showing Mute Plugin on HTTP API and other non-code errors
Developers: added fen_rate_limit_data filter for customizing rate limiting behavior
Developers: added action fen_handle_error immediately before notifications are sent
Developers: added action fen_handle_error_{ $error_type } for customizing error handling for a specific error type
1.13.2 - 12/21/2024
Added support for joining and posting to private Slack channels
Added option to specify a custom email subject for error notifications
Improved error reporting for Slack integration
Improved - The Send Test button with Slack no longer requires you to save the settings after entering a channel name
Improved - FEN will try to remove any API keys, Oauth tokens, or other sensitive data from request URIs and payloads when sending HTTP API error notifications
Added option to alert for Notice level errors with WP Fusion
Improved - mkdir warnings will be ignored by default
1.9.0 - 1/3/2023
Added WooCommerce error notifications.
1.8.5 - 11/21/2022
Fixed typo (misplaced parenthesis) checking WARNING level errors in v1.8.4
Fixed Flush Logs button not working
Fixed checking for the existence of the logs table on each page load
Fixed notice Undefined array key 1 when handling errors from a theme
1.8.4 - 9/9/2022
Improved - Moved actions to shutdown action priority 1, to fix cases where other plugins generate notices or warnings during shutdown after a fatal error
Improved - Out of memory errors will not be triggered multiple times within the same hour if the only part of the message that has changed is the amount of bytes
Improved - "rmdir" warnings will be ignored by default
1.8.3 - 4/14/2022
Fixed failed license auto-activation creating a redirect and preventing admin logins
Fixed deactivating license not removing license key from settings
Fixed unlink warnings still triggering notifications if unlink was the first part of the error string
1.8.2 - 2/15/2022
Improved - If a license key is saved and the site is inactive, the site will be activated for updates on the next update check
Fixed ampersands in the site title causing an invalid payload error with Slack notifications
1.8.1 - 10/4/2021
Updated EDD plugin updater to v1.9.0
Fixed error Class 'Fatal_Error_Notify_Updater' not found
1.8.0 - 8/26/2021
Added a must-use plugin helper to allow FEN to load before all other plugins. Deactivate and re-activate FEN to install the helper file in /wp-content/mu-plugins/
Improved - You can now trigger a manual notification by calling fatal_error_notify()->public->send_notifications()
Fixed PHP notice in Fatal_Error_Notify_Public
1.7.6 - 8/5/2021
Fixed Stealth Mode setting not saving
1.7.5 - 6/7/2021
Improved - Gravity Forms notifications will now send if the note sub_type is "error"
Fixed Slack webhooks being rejected if the site title had an apostrophe
Fixed not being able to deactivate Stealth Mode
1.7.4 - 5/13/2021
License key can now be defined in wp-config.php using define( 'FATAL_ERROR_NOTIFY_LICENSE_KEY', 'XXX' );
Fixed broken pause link in email
Fixed PHP notices in the admin
1.7.3 - 1/11/2021
Added link to pause notifications from offending plugin
Improved Slack message layout
Added FEN logo to Slack notifications
1.7.2 - 12/16/2020
Fixed PHP notice when HTTP referrer was missing
Tested for WordPress 5.6
1.7.1 - 11/25/2020
Fixed call to undefined function is_plugin_active_for_network()
Fixed PHP notice when HTTP referrer was missing
1.7 - 10/26/2020
Added ability to activate and configure the plugin at the network level
Added fen_use_wp_mail filter
Updated updater
1.6.3 - 8/30/2020
Added option to un-pause paused notifications
Added full error context to WP Fusion notifications
1.6.2 - 5/22/2020
Fixed plugin error notifications not sending
Fixed conflict with other plugins looking for error_log query parameter
1.6.1 - 1/9/2020
Added ability to configure email and Slack notifications independently
WP Fusion integration will now include the affected user ID
Removed Auto Deactivate feature
1.6 - 11/30/2019
Added WP Fusion API error integration
Fixed bug with older Gravity Forms version
Added hidden option to reset Stealth Mode
1.5.1 - 11/9/2019
Fixed bug with undefined list_files()
1.5 - 10/29/2019
Added framework for reporting plugin errors
Added Gravity Forms feed error notifications
Bugfixes for pause notification feature
1.4 - 9/24/2019
Added link to pause notifications
Added username of affected user to notifications
Added setting to specify a custom From address for notification emails
Added descriptions to common error levels
1.3.1 - 8/5/2019
Fixed URL encoding causing invalid_payload error with Slack
1.3 - 4/26/2019
Added request URI, HTTP Referrer, and current user ID to notifications
1.2 - 4/21/2018
Added filter to ignore errors
Added "Send Test" button
Rate limiting so notifications are only sent once per hour